our services

Filling In The Gaps of Health Insurance

Clear Solutions Insurance Services offers a variety of affordable insurance plans to help you preserve your family’s future. We are here to empower you with long-term care, life, disability, and health gap coverage planning strategies. As an independent insurance brokerage in Colorado that cares about you, we work to empower you to achieve something better. We represent many insurance companies providing a wide variety of coverage options. We will help you determine your “why,” research your options, and take action. At Clear Solutions Insurance Services, we will be by your side with education, experience and support to help you to create a plan that works best for you and your family.

Income Protection Planning

You never know when a “Life Happens Event” will drastically change your life. Whether there is more than one income provider in your home or not, income loss due to disability, unexpected death, or need for care can greatly impact your family. With income protection planning, you will be able to have funding in place to protect your way of life, your income stream, and your family’s needs. If something happened to your income or your spouse’s income, would the family be empowered to carry on without a change in lifestyle? Our insurance plans help people preserve their way of life and fund their ongoing expenses, no matter what happens.

Life Insurance

Life insurance allows you to provide your family with financial protection. A life insurance policy pays a specific sum to the insured’s family upon their death. Is life insurance a good option for you? In this educational video resource, Tom walks you through the protection that life insurance provides.

Long Term & Extended Care

Long-term care coverage provides funding for care when you can no longer take care of yourself. A long-term care event can be a few months or several years with a care expense of $5,000 to over $10,000 a month. This can erode a lifetime of hard-earned savings in a very short time. Long-term care insurance provides funding for all forms of care, in-home, assisted living, memory care, and nursing homes. Tom’s educational resources, like the video below, shows you how to become a savvy extended care buyer to protect yourself and your family.

Disability Insurance

Many people today cannot afford to miss even one paycheck, yet most of us aren’t financially prepared for a “life happens” event. Disability insurance can protect your paycheck by replacing a portion of the income if you are unable to work. Critical illness can also be an additional coverage to consider when combined with a disability protection planning strategy.

Longevity Health Planning

The four “L’s”  are the foundation for any good retirement plan. They are:

To be able to respond to an unforeseen circumstance, it is important to have a portion of retirement funds in accounts that can be liquidated quickly when there is an immediate need for cash.

Running out of money is retirees’ number one greatest fear, so extending retirement dollars for a lifetime and beyond is a key goal of any planning strategy.

Sustaining a desired lifestyle is the main objective of any retirement plan.

If all of the above is positioned properly, the remaining balance of the estate can be passed on to the next generations upon death.

Without the addition of the fifth “L” a Longevity Health Funding Plan all the above foundations of a retirement plan are at risk.

Protection Plans & Insurance Coverage that Serves You

Clear Solutions Insurance Services is proud to put our clients first. After all, it is your way of life you are protecting, and we are here to empower you to do it. We serve Colorado, and as a licensed insurance broker, it is our goal to see you prepared for the future. We can help determine an affordable protection plan that will work for you and your family. Let’s get you empowered!

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You also get access to our FREE online eligibility assessment tool and direct access to Tom to answer your questions and help with coaching if you desire.

At Clear Solutions Insurance Services, we are 100% dedicated to protecting you online and providing a safe haven free from “being sold”. We will never share your information with anyone.