Structuring the Perfect Long Term Care Plan

Structuring the Perfect Long Term Care PlanNEXT » Get access to our free online eligibility assessment tool to find out if you are healthy enough to apply for long-term care coverage.

Once complete, I will contact you privately with the results. There is absolutely no further obligation to you at all.

Stuff my lawyer makes me say: The video that you are about to view, highlights the important factors when considering long-term care planning. It covers the basics of what long-term care is, what planning options are available, what coverages are available, how does coverage work, how each coverage differs from one another, pricing factors and eligibility considerations. It is not intended to be a complete disclosure of each subject matter. Individual circumstances vary, it is important to discuss your situation with a qualified resource professional in detail. Subjects discussed are hypothetical and do not guarantee that similar results can be achieved.

All issues and subject matters discussed neither intend to constitute, an offer or agreement to provide insurance coverage, buy, or sell any of the products mentioned in this video.

Product guarantees are backed by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the underlying issuing insurance company.

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